Circles for celebrities, friends & family

Build your own Circle of Trust!
Move celebrities to your circle or add friends
Share your circle on social media and have lots of fun with our free tool!

Inner circle

Add friends & family
into your Circle of Trust

The Circle of Trust is basically about having a group of people you really trust and share secrets with. It is used in psychology, therapy, self-help groups and relationships. In the Meet the Parents movies Jack (Robert De Niro) uses his Circle of Trust to evaluate potential partners for his daughter, leading to many comical situations. is here to create memorable moments, throw strangers together and can be used for building relationships. Start building your first circle today and have fun while sharing it.

  Drag anyone from here
into your circle

Our Popular Celebrity Battles

Circle of Trust

Circle of Trust is...

a game, a tool, a great source of fun.
We created for you to use and it is completely free.

  • You can create private circles and use Circle of Trust as a releationship-building tool
  • Share a circle with your friend or with all friends on Facebook
  • Add your heroes and celebrities to any circle

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